I’ve known Bethany for more than 10 years now. We first worked together at Stack Overflow for several years, and she is an incredible thinker, community builder and human.
She’s spent the last 6 years working across the Ethereum ecosystem with a variety of different projects, including Interplanetary Shipyard, Uniswap, Variant Fund, Protocol Labs, and more. She will bring a wealth of perspective and experience as we work to scale up our developer community.

Aaron is a newer friend, but he is a true crypto OG. Aaron got started with Bitcoin back in the early days, and even contributed to the Ethereum launch.
Today, Aaron runs Tribute Labs, which creates open-source frameworks for DAOs on Ethereum. Aaron is one of the most knowledgeable people I know on subjects like decentralization, governance, and the regulatory environment, all while being a passionate builder himself.
Bethany and Aaron join the board alongside myself, Muneeb Ali (the co-creator of Stacks and CEO of Trust Machines), and Julia Austin (a senior lecturer at Harvard HBS and the former CTO of Digital Ocean).
With these additions, Hiro now has something special among startups: a board composed of only common shareholders and independent directors.
We had our first official board meeting with these new additions earlier this week, and it’s clear this is going to be an amazing group. I've never been more bullish on Hiro as we enter this next stage of growth. Onwards!